What memories do you have of the 70's?
Average Score: 7
74% knows the answer to this question:
"Which country was admitted to the UN in place of Taiwan in 1971?
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"Baileys is a cream liqueur that debuted in what city on November 26, 1974?"
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Average Score: 9
57% knows the answer to this question:
"A vampire in Gilroy, California, is going to be really unhappy. For what product is the place famous?
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"Fear of the night is known as what?"
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Average Score: 7
65% knows the answer to this question:
"The Emirates airline is based in which city?
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"Who sang the famous song "Paixao de Artista" in 1921? "
Universal Knowledge Trivia
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Average Score: 8
94% knows the answer to this question:
"What was the name of the actress and comedian that actor Desi Arnaz divorced in 1960?
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"What term refers to military submarines operated by Germany in the First World War?"
Challenging History Trivia Test
10 questions
Average Score: 7
60% knows the answer to this question:
"Project MKUltra was an experiment conducted by the CIA using which drug?
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"Which word describes a long poem describing heroes and great events, such as "The Odyssey"?"
Exam that assesses your understanding through rigorous challenges.
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Average Score: 9
70% knows the answer to this question:
"What is 70 minus 29?
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"Which country lies directly to the south of Egypt?"
Absolutely no one!
Average Score: 7
73% knows the answer to this question:
"What Ford car was nicknamed the "Tin Lizzie"?
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"Which "Harry Potter" actress delivered a 2014 address to the UN to launch the HeForShe campaign?"
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Average Score: 8
42% knows the answer to this question:
"What is the acronym for British Thermal Unit?
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"What is the name of the submerged fringe of a continent?"
Trivia Challenge for Gourmets
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Average Score: 8
78% knows the answer to this question:
"An icon of American literature and a Hanna-Barbera dog were named for what American berry?
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"What 2005 Fox TV show did chef Gordon Ramsay host?"
10 Diverse Queries
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Average Score: 4
34% knows the answer to this question:
"What name did Pol Pot give to the ideology that he forced on the people of Democratic Kampuchea?
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"Which state connects South Carolina and Florida?"
Traffic signs
Niemand kent al deze verkeersborden!
Average Score: 6
90% knows the answer to this question:
"Wat betekent dit verkeersbord?
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"Wat betekent dit verkeersbord?"
Assess Your General Knowledge
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Average Score: 8
66% knows the answer to this question:
"What nutrient group is sugar in?
And do you know the answer to this one?
"What film provided Sylvester Stallone with his only Oscar nominations?"